Career & Development
Enabling possibilities
Naast het organiseren van talloze studentikoze activiteiten, tracht Wikings-NSK elke FBE student te helpen bij het zoeken naar een eerste job. Hiervoor werkt een BR-Comité van acht mensen heel het jaar door om verschillende interessante evenementen te organiseren, zowel voor bedrijven als studenten. Hieronder vindt u enkele van deze events toegelicht. Voor meer info stuur gerust een mail naar public.relations@wikings.be
Wikings-NSK werkt samen met een groot aantal nauwkeurig geselecteerde bedrijven, van alle soorten en maten. Hieronder vind je een selectie van enkele van onze grootste partners.
Career Days
The ideal way to get in touch with master students of our faculty. A typical Careerday consists of a short presentation by all present companies followed by a reception where students and employers alike can network at their heart’s content.
Business Fair
With its speeddate formula, our Business Fair is the perfect opportunity to establish quality connections between students and their future employers.
Decaan Prof. Dr. Koen Vandenbempt vertelt hieronder over onze C&D-initiatieven.
As the dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp, I’m totally supporting the initiatives of the Wikings-NSK, presented on this website.
Our Faculty has a long and vibrant history of student engagements. This is an essential part of studying and learning at our university. The symbiotic relationship between the Faculty of Business and Economics and Wikings-NSK helps our many students to further gear up for their professional life. As you can see, the spectrum of activities organized by the Wikings-NSK is pretty broad and offers almost a total solution for the talent we are nurturing at our university. I encourage you to become part of this interesting and thriving ecosystem of university, Wikings-NSK and the world of practice. It will be fun and rewarding. I hope to meet you at many of these initiatives.
Dean Faculty of Business & Economics (University of Antwerp)